Friday, April 30, 2010

rotten humor?

I love listening to comedians like anyone else, but I have to wonder if maybe sometimes their racist jokes aren't getting misunderstood? I have a friend who is black and, since I'm white, we tease each other all the time racially. However, both he and I know that there are boundaries you don't cross even jokingly. I think people are horrified to hear him slam me for being white, then listen to me slam him back for his skin or gender. But the point I want to make here is that we respect each other and to us it's like teasing each other about thick thighs or crooked noses. I fear people take that as an excuse to bad mouth or discriminate against others, which ISN'T cool. Don't jump to conclusions if you see a white girl and black guy dogging on each other about gender or race; we are just a couple of friends!


Friday, April 16, 2010

The Price of Righteousness

We have discussed in class how sometimes doing the right thing comes with worse consequences than going with the crowd. The guy who tried to do the right thing by calling in the abuse that was felt by Iraqi prisoners was one example of this terrible truth. He is the shining example of what America SHOULD be and the morals all Americans should be portraying. Instead he was segregated in his community as a traitor to the military. In my opinion, the ones that gave the military a bad name were the ones that were caught doing outlandish, crude, and cruel things to the prisoners.
Though I will try to refrain from judgments, since i understand that they may have acted out against the prisoners with their frustrations against the terrorists that could have hurt their friends and family. They did something wrong and now they are paying for it. There's no need to badger them or label them. Their actions were terrible, but God wishes for us to forgive all our brothers and sisters. So, we should take an example from the good book and forgive all. Also, applaud those who do right in the face of wrong. So, thank you all who fight for righteousness!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Judge not, lest you be judged

I can understand why some people can't look deeper than gender, religion, or color to the real measure of a man. After all, some fear difference; some grew up in households of hate; some have bad experiences. But, it's essential to overcome this negativity. You never know who'll turn out to be your best friend or even your soulmate. The best way for people to overcome this is to experience just how terrible it feels. It's like having a bully constantly harrassing you. The stress and pain you go through is immense.
Personally, I can't stay to see someone else in pain, so I want to see true equality rein. I try not to judge others, but sometimes find myself being judged. I have to wonder if others look at me and see my skin and automatically assume I'm a racist based solely on my skin color. How is that fair for me? I know it's hard to always keep an open mind, but this is my motto: I don't judge by WHAT you are, I focus on WHO you are.


Friday, March 26, 2010

Health Care Bill

There has been a lot of debate about this not-so-new idea that has finally passed through the government into motion: the health care bill. It has caused a lot of harsh words from those strongly against the health care bill. What are we so worried about? I can think of the number one thing for me. Can every American actually afford this? We have single parents struggling to put food on the table. Adding another expense is, in the short run, going to greatly hurt their checkbook. Though I do believe in the long run this won't be a problem, which i will address why in a second, think about the timing of this bill. We are in a bad position to be imposing more expenses on people who have been recently laid off.
With no income coming in, another bill may cause many households to go bankrupt and homeless. I think this bill is important for Americans, but they should have waited until our unemployment dropped and our economy was picking up. Now I want to address my view on the long run of this bill. Without the people who don't pay their medical bills, perhaps the price of our health care service will drop. Not to mention, people won't be afraid to go to the doctor anymore, since they will know they are pretty well covered. Diseases and sicknesses will be treated sooner preventing the spread of these deadly viruses and reducing the impact they have on their hosts. That's my points of view. We needed this bill, but not while we are financially trying to survive.


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Origins of Hate

We have been talking a lot this week about prejudice whether racism or sexism. For people like me that come from small towns, it's hard to believe that prejudice is as active as it is. I know people that come from other countries to experience college life in the US are treated terribly. In fact a friend of mine from India was called, I believe, a terrorist! Are we so narrow minded as a country? Are we so ethnocentric that we believe everyone outside the US can be treated so horribly?! NO. As with other countries, we have individuals that set a bad example for all of us with their intolerance. I'm ashamed that this kind of behavior is displayed to this day in a country that preaches kindness to others.
However, I think I might know at least one reason why some individuals act like this. Now, I don't condone their behavior. In fact, I would like to tell them this: It's not WHAT they are, but WHO they are that matters. But, maybe people that disregard empathy when dealing with others that are different then them are raised to think that way. Perhaps, it's the homes we grow into that shape us against one another.
But, I implore you, those who hate, to shed the skins of the past for the skins of equality. I think that as we become more accustom to others, our country slowly but surely moves closer to equality. Of course there will always be those who base their hatred on stereotypes and lies even when everyone else follows the golden rule.
But i think each generation becomes closer to equality, because more kids become disillusioned with what was taught them and embrace everyone with the same warmth. However, the government needs to stop favoring certain individuals, because it causes a rift between neighbors. it should be equal opportunity for all, yes. But handing out money or assistance to ONLY minorities creates tensions between all of us. Soon white men will be the minority and we'll have to give them assistance only they can have to make up for favoring the previous minorities and it is a endless back and forth. This was something similar to what professor Andor was saying. I'd write more but it's late!


Friday, March 5, 2010

The business of lying

Is there any business in lying? Sure, there's businesses that lie to you such as advertisement. What i'm talking about is when is it OKAY to lie in a business. We discussed this in our class on Wednesday and someone brought up doctors telling their patients there's hope when maybe people have died of the patients' illnesses. But, as i stated in class, that's not lying. There's always hope someone will pull through and people do it all the time. We are survivors and God is on our side.
My mom listed Realty as another possible example. After all, you can think a place looks horrible, but still tell the clients there was a lot they could do with it. Again, it's not lying. People have taken "dumps" and turned them into palaces. Thus the saying: one person's trash is another's treasure.
Honestly, I don't think there is a business where its ok to "lie", because as far as i can tell in examples similar to these you're not lying. Otherwise, you can avoid lying by dodging the question such as in this example:

Client: "Does my hair look bad?"
Stylist: "Do you like it? That's all that matters."

PS. Mom also brought up a jeweler when they say 'this ring will last forever!' when clearly the marriage won't...I'm going to leave that one alone :)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Professional Ethics...GONE BAD!

We all try to do the right thing at some point in our lives. Yet, what happens when we try to do the right thing and make the situation worse? Does that person deserve to be punished when their intentions were pure, but their actions caused harm? I hear a story in my professional ethics class today about a man that found a flaw in his company's online security system. He tried to tell his higher-ups about the problem, but his concerns fell on deaf ears.
So he created a virus and sent it through the system to show the company its mistake. Unfortunately, as you may have guessed from my introduction, something went awry. In fact, he couldn't control his creation and it terrorized the system (My heart goes out to you, sir). In the long run, the company may have been spared something worse. In the short run, the virus did more damage than it ever should have. Needless to say, he was fired.
I understand both the company's and the man's position. I probably would have fired him too, but with empathy. I know I've tried to do the right thing only to have it blow up in my face. What would you do?
