Thursday, March 18, 2010

Origins of Hate

We have been talking a lot this week about prejudice whether racism or sexism. For people like me that come from small towns, it's hard to believe that prejudice is as active as it is. I know people that come from other countries to experience college life in the US are treated terribly. In fact a friend of mine from India was called, I believe, a terrorist! Are we so narrow minded as a country? Are we so ethnocentric that we believe everyone outside the US can be treated so horribly?! NO. As with other countries, we have individuals that set a bad example for all of us with their intolerance. I'm ashamed that this kind of behavior is displayed to this day in a country that preaches kindness to others.
However, I think I might know at least one reason why some individuals act like this. Now, I don't condone their behavior. In fact, I would like to tell them this: It's not WHAT they are, but WHO they are that matters. But, maybe people that disregard empathy when dealing with others that are different then them are raised to think that way. Perhaps, it's the homes we grow into that shape us against one another.
But, I implore you, those who hate, to shed the skins of the past for the skins of equality. I think that as we become more accustom to others, our country slowly but surely moves closer to equality. Of course there will always be those who base their hatred on stereotypes and lies even when everyone else follows the golden rule.
But i think each generation becomes closer to equality, because more kids become disillusioned with what was taught them and embrace everyone with the same warmth. However, the government needs to stop favoring certain individuals, because it causes a rift between neighbors. it should be equal opportunity for all, yes. But handing out money or assistance to ONLY minorities creates tensions between all of us. Soon white men will be the minority and we'll have to give them assistance only they can have to make up for favoring the previous minorities and it is a endless back and forth. This was something similar to what professor Andor was saying. I'd write more but it's late!


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