Friday, April 16, 2010

The Price of Righteousness

We have discussed in class how sometimes doing the right thing comes with worse consequences than going with the crowd. The guy who tried to do the right thing by calling in the abuse that was felt by Iraqi prisoners was one example of this terrible truth. He is the shining example of what America SHOULD be and the morals all Americans should be portraying. Instead he was segregated in his community as a traitor to the military. In my opinion, the ones that gave the military a bad name were the ones that were caught doing outlandish, crude, and cruel things to the prisoners.
Though I will try to refrain from judgments, since i understand that they may have acted out against the prisoners with their frustrations against the terrorists that could have hurt their friends and family. They did something wrong and now they are paying for it. There's no need to badger them or label them. Their actions were terrible, but God wishes for us to forgive all our brothers and sisters. So, we should take an example from the good book and forgive all. Also, applaud those who do right in the face of wrong. So, thank you all who fight for righteousness!

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