Friday, April 9, 2010

Judge not, lest you be judged

I can understand why some people can't look deeper than gender, religion, or color to the real measure of a man. After all, some fear difference; some grew up in households of hate; some have bad experiences. But, it's essential to overcome this negativity. You never know who'll turn out to be your best friend or even your soulmate. The best way for people to overcome this is to experience just how terrible it feels. It's like having a bully constantly harrassing you. The stress and pain you go through is immense.
Personally, I can't stay to see someone else in pain, so I want to see true equality rein. I try not to judge others, but sometimes find myself being judged. I have to wonder if others look at me and see my skin and automatically assume I'm a racist based solely on my skin color. How is that fair for me? I know it's hard to always keep an open mind, but this is my motto: I don't judge by WHAT you are, I focus on WHO you are.


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