Friday, April 30, 2010

rotten humor?

I love listening to comedians like anyone else, but I have to wonder if maybe sometimes their racist jokes aren't getting misunderstood? I have a friend who is black and, since I'm white, we tease each other all the time racially. However, both he and I know that there are boundaries you don't cross even jokingly. I think people are horrified to hear him slam me for being white, then listen to me slam him back for his skin or gender. But the point I want to make here is that we respect each other and to us it's like teasing each other about thick thighs or crooked noses. I fear people take that as an excuse to bad mouth or discriminate against others, which ISN'T cool. Don't jump to conclusions if you see a white girl and black guy dogging on each other about gender or race; we are just a couple of friends!


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