Friday, February 19, 2010

Techno Timebomb

Technology has made our lives signifiantly simplier and put vast amounts of information into a mouse click. However, the glass is always half empty as well as half full. Let's review the pros of technology. I believe technology has allowed our minds to expand and ideas constantly improving. Think about how one person's idea can combine with someone else's idea or expertise and create a better result of those intertwining ideas. Also, we have access to so much information our minds are constantly expanding to hold it all.

But, having this easy access can hinder us as well. Why does anyone need to leave the house when the can facebook/myspace/twitter their friends and order anything they may need from the internet? We can even work from the luxury of our couches now. We lose interest in excerise and face-to-face conversations. Soon, we are reclusive agoraphobics, who would rather die than step out into the sunlight. I wonder, as everyone does, what the future may hold for us.
P.S. I'm still waiting for those jetpacks, guys.

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