Thursday, February 4, 2010

PE & Human Resources

Since I don't have anything to write about this week, I'll have to use my trump card early. I want to write about how Professional Ethics ties in with Human Resources (my major). Well, frankly it has EVERYTHING to do with my major! Professional Ethics is largely about how people interact with one another in a professional setting. Who else do you go to when someone isn't behaving in a cordial manner? Hopefully, me....If i can somehow con my way out of needing Calculus. (I shudder.)
I'm going to be expected to uphold the decency of workers. I'll be encouraging them to be mindful of their actions and words. I'll play Dr. Phil (or Dr. Phillis) by rooting out the problem between employees and trying to find a solution. Whenever someone feels cheated, harrassed, or degraded by another employee, I need to be aware of the situation and perhaps how to help. I also need to know when something is wrong before it becomes a major problem in employee relations. This class will help me be the best at my job!

PS I REALLY hate math :S

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