Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Professional Ethics...GONE BAD!

We all try to do the right thing at some point in our lives. Yet, what happens when we try to do the right thing and make the situation worse? Does that person deserve to be punished when their intentions were pure, but their actions caused harm? I hear a story in my professional ethics class today about a man that found a flaw in his company's online security system. He tried to tell his higher-ups about the problem, but his concerns fell on deaf ears.
So he created a virus and sent it through the system to show the company its mistake. Unfortunately, as you may have guessed from my introduction, something went awry. In fact, he couldn't control his creation and it terrorized the system (My heart goes out to you, sir). In the long run, the company may have been spared something worse. In the short run, the virus did more damage than it ever should have. Needless to say, he was fired.
I understand both the company's and the man's position. I probably would have fired him too, but with empathy. I know I've tried to do the right thing only to have it blow up in my face. What would you do?


Friday, February 19, 2010

Techno Timebomb

Technology has made our lives signifiantly simplier and put vast amounts of information into a mouse click. However, the glass is always half empty as well as half full. Let's review the pros of technology. I believe technology has allowed our minds to expand and ideas constantly improving. Think about how one person's idea can combine with someone else's idea or expertise and create a better result of those intertwining ideas. Also, we have access to so much information our minds are constantly expanding to hold it all.

But, having this easy access can hinder us as well. Why does anyone need to leave the house when the can facebook/myspace/twitter their friends and order anything they may need from the internet? We can even work from the luxury of our couches now. We lose interest in excerise and face-to-face conversations. Soon, we are reclusive agoraphobics, who would rather die than step out into the sunlight. I wonder, as everyone does, what the future may hold for us.
P.S. I'm still waiting for those jetpacks, guys.

Friday, February 12, 2010

No curriculum left behind

Everyone, especially high schoolers, complain about how our school system operates. True it has its flaws, but the government is trying to correct these. Ok, 'No Child Left Behind' might not have worked like we hoped, but it was at least an effort. There are tutors on college campuses to help people with learning disabilities and special education classes in high school as well. So, at least we are trying to make an effort.
Also there's a problem with the way our society thinks that leads to the schools getting slandered. When was it suddenly the school's fault a child misbehaved? At some point, we stopped pointing the fingers at the real culprits when kids were fighting and bullying each other: the parents. Why does the school have to raise kids as well as educate them? Then when the school tries to punish the kids, suddenly they are crossing the line. It's not the school's responsibility to reign in bad behavior. On the contrary, I propose we get rid of detentions. But in it's place, when a child does something drastic (like bullying or hitting another person) the parents get notified. If it happens a second time, it'll be up to the school to either suspend the child or give them one more chance. Also, the child should receive counselling in case it is a cry for help.


Thursday, February 4, 2010

PE & Human Resources

Since I don't have anything to write about this week, I'll have to use my trump card early. I want to write about how Professional Ethics ties in with Human Resources (my major). Well, frankly it has EVERYTHING to do with my major! Professional Ethics is largely about how people interact with one another in a professional setting. Who else do you go to when someone isn't behaving in a cordial manner? Hopefully, me....If i can somehow con my way out of needing Calculus. (I shudder.)
I'm going to be expected to uphold the decency of workers. I'll be encouraging them to be mindful of their actions and words. I'll play Dr. Phil (or Dr. Phillis) by rooting out the problem between employees and trying to find a solution. Whenever someone feels cheated, harrassed, or degraded by another employee, I need to be aware of the situation and perhaps how to help. I also need to know when something is wrong before it becomes a major problem in employee relations. This class will help me be the best at my job!

PS I REALLY hate math :S